WDS 2011 + FR CH-show

French Championship Show, 2011-07-08 Judge: Harri Lehkonen, Finland Keios: Intermediate class, excellent-2 Lava: Intermediate class, excellent-1, RCACS ————————– WDS 2011, Paris, France, 2011-07-09 Judge: G.B....

Borås NAT

Borås NAT, Södra Älvsborgs KK 2011-07-02 Status: National Judge: Eli-Marie Klepp, Norway LAVA Intermediate Exc-1, CK, BB-1, CAC, BOB Comments: 21 months. Very elegant. Good head and expression, well standing ears, long elegant neck. Strong, good topline & very...

A prince is born!

The first litter of Lex Murphy is born! Zelda gave birth to a healthy baby boy. More info and pics will come later.

Tångahed, SvVK Västra

Lilla Specialen/Tånga Hed, SvVK Västra, 2011-06-18 Status: Sighthound Specialty Show Judge: Francisco Ruiz Rodrigues LAVA Intermediate Exc-1, BB-1, CERT, BOB, BOB-intermediate, BIS-1 Intermediate Comments: Excellent head with very good eyes. Very good neck. Excellent...

Skokloster Summer Show

Stora Specialen/Skokloster Summer Show, Lövudden, SvVK Östra, 2011-06-18 Status: Sighthound Specialty Show Judge: Espen Engh, Norway LAVA Intermediate Exc-1, BB-1, CERT, BOB  Comments:Gorgeous almost 2 years old, very good type and total, robust bitch head, exc length...