Rasspecial prazsky krysarik, SPKK 2011-03-26 Status: Inofficiell/Specialty show (No CC) Domare: Åke Cronander HÄRJA Vuxenklass Resultat: 3 BTKL, HP Kritik: Tilltalande helhet, bra storlek, välformat huvud, bra ögonform, bra öron & hals, välkroppad med goda...
Malmö INT, Sydskånska KK 2011-03-20 Status: Internationell Domare: Miodrag Vretenicic LAVA Intermediate Resultat: Exc kval, 1 UKL, CK, 1 BTKL, CERT, CACIB, BIR Kritik: Good size, good prop, very nice body, corr. bite, nice neck, good angulation, good movement &...
Conclusion of the year 2010: Zelda has been shown very little, Keios and Lava i puppy och juniorclass, and Härja in puppyclass only. I don’t know how many shows we been to (maaany…) or how many miles we have driven (more!), bur we’ve had fun almost...