“Lava won the Group, first time ever for a cirneco to take the group at a Swedish KC show!!
Thanks to all friends who took pics!! <3
Group results added (click on group lineup-pic), and BIS-results added (click on the last picture)."
From Backamo/Ljungskile NAT 2011, posted by Maria Weinehall on 9/01/2011 (14 items)
- Breed judging by Henrik Johansson. Lava BOB+CAC.
- Time for the Group finals!
- Shortlisted. Now being judged up close.
- And a final stacking, waiting for results… ""Did I do well?" "Y…
- This is the four top dogs just before the results: Bästa Spetsar Och Raser Av Urhund…
- WE DID IT!! Thank you judge Nils-Arne Törnlöv!
- Group-1!
- Waiting to enter the finalring again, our very first Best In Show-final!
- Full throttle (but a bit tired Lava)
- Lava <3<3<3 Love this pic!
- After competing all weekend in both freestyle and showing, we where soo tired, but ex…
- Tack Per för denna fina bild! 🙂
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