“35 days: weight 730 grams
Breeder/owner: Lex Murphy/Maria Weinehall
Name: Lex Murphy Czech Mate, “Primo” (call name)
Mother: “Zelda”, SE UCH Diana z Cintranskeho Udoli, owned by Maria Weinehall, (kennel Lex Murphy)
Father: “Rocky”, CZ, SE, FI, NO & NORD UCH, NO, FI & NORD W-10 Antonin od Katovicke hory, owned by Renata Johansson, (kennel Working Mates)
www.murphy.se “
From Puppypics, week 5, posted by Maria Weinehall on 8/01/2011 (52 items)
- "You talkin’ to ME?!"
- "Já jsem král Čech!"
- Practice makes perfect… It just takes a bit longer for some of us… =))
- "Hi dad"
- Dad, mum and son. =)
- "Hey uncle Vilde, I wanna be just like you when I grow up"
- "But for now, let’s play!!"
- "Atleast Härja is great at playing"
- "Look at me RUNNIIIING!!"
- "Aaaaah… There’s nothing that compares to peeing outdoors…"
- "I’m Wolverine, and I’m gonna bite your arm off!!"
- "Weeei!!"
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