Last weekend our offsprings and puppy buyers made us very proud again!
In Sweden, our Marley (DKV14 DKJV14 NOJV14 Herbst Jugend Sieger 2014 Herbst Sieger 2014 Jugend Bundessieger 2014 Lex Murphy Hard To Be Humble) won Best of Breed with CAC and CACIB at Lidköping INT! Wohooo! 😀 Congrats Mirka and Michelle, and thanks for the visit! <3
And in Finland, Kiro (FIJW14 HelJW14 Lex Murphy Fierce N Furious)
won Best of Breed with CAC and CACIB at Tampere INT, judge Alberto Lamperti, IT.
Big congrats to Pauliina and Jarkko!!! 😀
BOS was Marjo with a junior bitch (Lumo wasn’t entered), congrats to CAC! 🙂

From left: Väinö, Hippu, Lumo and Kiro
After the judging Kiro went for a playdate with Lumo (Lex Murphy Let’s Get It On), amazing to see how similar they are! (The 2 dogs on the left are Marjo’s offsprings Väinö and Hippu).