Awards for AFEC competitiors!
4 days of MyDog was tough but so great!
Saturday and Sunday I was in charge of the Freestyle competitions (AFEC Finals), and at the same time also had my two ring steward student shifts.
All went well and now I only have 3 trainee shifts to do!
Eleonor did a great job with the AFEC when I couldn’t be there. All the prices was very appreciated and the competiotion went smooth.

Bacon BOB, Ambra BOS
On Monday and Tuesday it was time for dog show for our Cirnechi, where our youngster had their first chances to take the CACIBs.
My dear friends Jonna and Cecilia was also there, thanks girls for support and fun days! 😀
Bacon was entered on Monday, and he won BOB, CAC and his first CACIB under judge Aage Gjetnes, NO.

Tesla BOB, Keiron BOS, both Crufts Qualified ’16
On Tuesday it was Tesla’s turn, BOB, CAC, her first CACIB and half brother Keiron was BOS with CACIB, both qualified for Crufts 2016!
Congrats to our Keiron’s owner Britzyk and also owner of Ambra who was BOS on Monday. 🙂
In the finals, Tesla was shortlisted to top 8 in a very tough group! 😀
Happy with a great but looong weekend!